not another mundane OS thread


Feb 9, 2005
So i woke up this morning and logged into the RX and said to myself, "what can I do to make the RX a better place?" All these routine, mundane threads can't be good -- Avatar, beef stew, and household eating habits galore! Surely I can create a topic that is not mundane, but in fact entertaining and enlightening at the same time. It is the least I can do for all the GOYs, LOYs, and BOWs I've gotten for free^<<^

So I get off the futon with a new purpose in life as I step outside and grab the dog bowl -- what a beautiful day! 2 damn cups to feed the beast, and I make a note that tomorrow I'll have to take a trip to Wal Mart to buy another bag. It seems like only yesterday I bought 40 pounds, but my boy, he does eat. Roughly one 40 pound bag of food a month. At least it's convenient that a 40 pound bag costs 40 bucks -- easy to remember how much cash to take. When I go to Wal Mart, I take cash and leave the card at home, lest I want to come back with a dozen movies I'll never watch or a couple books I probably won't get around to reading. Also, I have to remind myself that his yearly shots are coming up and registration as well -- another couple hundred damn dollars.

Now that the dog's fed and occupied with pissing on the trees outside for the next half hour, I check my emails, still contemplating about the most non mundane thread in the history of the RX. I see that RAS will be releasing his plays soon, and remember to log into my account to see how my previous day's wagers went -- my bankroll is so small these days that I often forget which games I bet and don't think to check my bets until I get the new day's plays. I see that I made a dollar ninety-eight on last night's wagers -- yeah boy! I also become annoyed that I have over a thousand messages in my inbox that I'm gonna have to make a point of deleting soon. A couple of months ago, in desperation mode, I trolled the cash advance sites. I came to my senses in time to not utilize their services, but goddamn. Talk about some persistent cocksuckers.

After doing my daily checks of other personal accounts to make sure everything is in order and that my bank hasn't mistakenly added $20,000,000 to my account, I eat a bowl of Corn Pops. As I eat my cereal, I contemplate the most important business of the day -- the most un-mundane thread in RX history. I'm gonna come up with something goddammit, Barman be damned. After finishing the puzzle on the back of the cereal box for about the 300th time, I get up and turn on the TV. Hard to find something worth watching at this time of day -- nothing going on in the news, can't really wrap my mind around any sports, and not in the mood to watch the History Channel tell me what's gonna happen 5,000 years after I'm dead.

But man, it's nice outside. So me and Soonerdawg go for a walk -- we're gonna do a good one today, not the normal 30 minute routine, but we're gonna bask in the glory of the day, and I know that this weather will inspire me to come up with the topic for the most un-mundane thread in RX history. I just know it.

The first stop on our route was just down the street, where the old man and woman were busy doing yard work. He's a vet of the Korean war, and every time I bump into him I get invited to their VFW meeting -- which happens to be this Monday. I'm not sure why I keep coming up with excuses not to go, but I committed myself this time. He mentioned that there's no young men there, so maybe that's why he doesn't give up on recruiting me. He did mention that they'll need somebody to run things when they're all dead. Hell, you never know, maybe one of these old timers will have the connection to hook me up with a good job. After all, Soonerdawg keeps reminding me that the life support of credit is gonna dry up pretty damn fast.

And on we go, Soonerdawg and me, and when I look to the street that goes left, I see a couple hotties in the distance, shooting hoops in the driveway. We divert to get a better look, but as we get closer, I realize these two hotties can't be more than 15. I make it a point not to look as we walk past. Amazing, the sight of a nice tanned leg in a pair of tight yellow shorts from 500 yards away......

Anyways, back home. Soonerdawg passes out on the floor after drinking his bowl of water like a madman. He won't stay down long. The Sooners are playing on ESPN, but I don't really care. Hell, they're even playing well, but I know they'll fade in the 2nd half. To my surprise, they fade before halftime. I think maybe Capel's overrated as a coach --2nd losing season in 4 years, although two good teams sandwiched in between. If this trend holds up, we'll be contending for a #1 seed next year.

It's time to start grinding out some online poker. I do some quick arm stretches and knock out 40 push ups -- ah, the mind is clear now, I will soon come up with the most un-mundane thread topic in RX history. It will come to me, but I won't force it. I brew a pot of coffee, eat a bologna sandwich, and it's time to do battle at the $1 SNG tables. After a few hours (two first place finishes, 2 3rd places, 1 4th place and 2 no shows) I stand up and look around. Ah, still nice outside. I spend about 30 minutes throwing the Dogzilla frisbee to Soonerdawg in the backyard -- probably the cheapest piece of entertainment I have ever purchased.

But no, even with all that's happened to this point, the day is far from over. A quick drive to the store to buy smokes and donate to the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery -- some day, my balls will drop. Return home and hit the Rush poker table. When I first discovered Rush, it was pure madness. Now, it's a vehicle to gain points to unlock bonus money and add up the rake back. I have to constantly remind myself that I'm just trying to break even here -- give up those aces if someone's acting like a madman on the flop! There will be better spots. Don't bluff! I just love it when I wake up in the Big Blind with pocket aces and the man on the button finds it necessary to risk half his stack to steal my 5 cents:dancefool

After a fairly successful run at Rush -- finished somewhere around $7 up plus unlocked $10 of my bonus, it was time for Soonerdawg's dinner. Yep, Wal-Mart on a Sunday morning, which is a pretty good time to go to Wal-Mart in this neighborhood. Then I fried me a pork chop. My mother calls while I'm eating, letting me know the Toyota people fixed her gas pedal. "Glad to hear it Mom, but I still wish you would've let me borrow your car a couple weeks ago, we coulda gotten rich.....hell, I was willing to take all the risk".....

Then I two tabled a SNG.....finished first in one, busted out on the bubble in the other. I just can't multi table very well -- it keeps pissing me off when I'm in the middle of a hand and the screen for the other table keeps popping up. I think it's why I like playing Rush so much -- you see roughly 400 hands an hour and don't have to worry about that little boop sound when it's time for you to act at the other table. Unless you're man enough to multi table Rush, which I'm not.

I finally stood up and called it a day. I have enough beer in the fridge to get good and drunk for the first time in two weeks. I have a mess in the kitchen since I started drinking coffee -- the goddamn Red Bulls and Monster coffees were getting too damn expensive. I was washing the coffee pot the other day and crack the rim on the sink basin and didn't realize it -- I cut my hand in three places and never realized it until I saw the blood. Fortunately, the cuts were no more than scratches, but it was one of those "goddamn" moments. I could've done some serious damage there and never felt it. I bought a 15 pack yesterday, but couldn't get in the mood last night. But I'm in the mood tonight goddammit.

I will come up with the most un-mundane thread in the history of the RX. It is coming. Stay tuned.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
barman be damned!

I'm about to go to sleep and you will be Officially In Charge until at least 5am EDT when Wilheim signs in.

Pay no attention to RobFunk. He's got the Mod Super Powers but he's likely busy doing some kind of online RPG

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
this should make this thread more interesting

Jul 25, 2008
I think you should write a novel SD,even if's fiction which I think you wouldn't prefer.I think you could do a good job writing an interesting fiction gambling style novle.I am an avid reader and I think,based on you're post that you could do a great job.Go for it.I will be you're first customer.Cheers

Jul 25, 2008
Life is short ,live it my man..


Feb 9, 2005
thanks scoops.....i do have a novel in progress that i haven't touched in went much better when i was fully employed and wishing i had the time to sit down and write it.....once i had that opportunity, i realized i'm a lazy bastard......the only way that motherfucker's ever gonna get written is if i'm grinding out 2 pages a week while working a shitty job 12 hours a fucking day~~:<<

Jul 25, 2008
Do what you got to do,again,Life is short...Just Do It My Man..You will be happy afterwards..Cheers.

Jul 25, 2008
Get off of you're lazy ass and do it!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 6, 2009
Soonerdawg...that is a nice beginning for a book....we could work on a project....short stories.....or a book...I have some stories I could tell and you could put the fancy words together

Feb 9, 2005
Soonerdawg...that is a nice beginning for a book....we could work on a project....short stories.....or a book...I have some stories I could tell and you could put the fancy words together

not a bad idea....need to keep the creative juices flowing....give me an idea and i'll write the story in the thread......

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
I've read manifestos that were shorter than that.

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